Tafsir Studies – Koranexegese

Ein spannender Beitrag von Pieter Coppens über die wissenschaftliche Arbeit unserer Vorsitzenden Dr. Nimet Seker im Bereich der Koranexegese:

” (…) The historical data Seker generates in this process on, for example, the Qurʾan commentaries of al-Tabari (d. 310/923) and al-Wahidi (d. 468/1076), the hermeneutical method of al-Suyuti (d. 911/1505) in relation to the concept of ‘occasions of revelation’ (asbab al-nuzul), of Ibn ʿArabi (d. 638/1240) in relation to the mercy of God, are not only useful from a normative perspective, but also valuable for the historian of tafsir or of Islamic intellectual history who does not claim a form of explicit normativity. Seker critically examines the hermeneutical methods of such figures, seeks to improve them by referring to contemporary standards of knowledge and optimal intellectual honesty and consistency, and discusses the implications thereof for the present and the future of Islam’s discursive tradition on gender relations. In the process, she generates knowledge that is relevant for all scholars of tafsir, whether they self-identify as emic or etic, objective or positioned, prescriptive or descriptive, insider or outsider. From the perspective of a historian of Islam, her normativity and positionality do not lead to dubious epistemological premises or methodological problems. (…)”

Journal of Muslims in Europe, BRILL


Das im Beitrag besprochene Buch von Dr. Nimet Seker “Koran und Gender – Exegetische und hermeneutische Studien zum Geschlechterverhältnis im Koran” gibt es hier:

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